Wednesday, May 6, 2015

When A Man Loves A Man...It's More Than Brotherly Love.

           What is love? In the English language the word “love” is used for several different meanings. We all love pizza and ice-cream, but its not the same type of love that we share with our family. Love is a special word in the English language that expresses affection for something or someone. It can be used to describe our relationships or even our interests, and does not require any form of legal documentation.
            Marriage, on the other hand, requires a legal document and allows a couple to be expressed legally as one. For example, a married couple can file taxes together and can even be included with spousal benefits from employers. Marriage is a basic human right that allows people to express their love for each other and allows them to “team up” for life’s many challenges.
            Since marriage is a basic human right why are we keeping people from enjoying the benefits of marriage just because we don’t agree with their sexual orientation? Throughout Texas history we have excluded several groups of people from their basic human rights. For instance, there was a time in this states’ history that blacks were not citizens and considered as property. We also did not allow women to vote during elections. These examples of our dark past seem ludicrous and insensible, but if it wasn’t for federal laws these practices may still continue today.

            The United States Supreme Court is currently debating same sex marriage at the federal level. I think it is time to look forward and address issues that affect Texas and the great people that live within this state, instead of declining the right for people to become married. Love and marriage complement each other and should not be restricted to a single type of relationship.


P. Vazquez said...

Why is single sex marriage still illegal in Texas? I believe that if you would ask someone what sort of political problem we still have in Texas, they would not say single sex marriage. This is one of those topics that lost interest over time. Just like The People’s Texas said, why should we only gives certain benefits to a heterosexual couple? Single sex marriage is important but Texas looks so behind and is taking so much time that could be used for other major problems to solve something that has already been decided by the people.
The People’s Texas made a very important point about marriage. It is a basic human right that should be allowed for any person. If we really think about “human rights”, there have been many that allow us to do ignorant things, but why not get married with the person you love?
It makes no sense to me and to others that Texas has been taking a long time to solve this topic. Like The People’s Texas said “ is time to look forward and address issues that affect Texas and the great people that live within this state, instead of declining the right for people to become married.” We as a state have to look at the big picture here like my college stated, the government can’t afford to fight for a battle that has already been won by the other side. Many states have allowed single sex marriage to be legal, now it’s all up to Texas.

Adrian Munoz said...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness- These are 3 inalienable rights that are promised to the citizens of the United States of America. There were no asterisks added in the original document that holds this promise so why should we add them in now? My colleague, Dylan, presents a very true argument about same the sex marriage speculation that is consuming the media today. It has been repeated multiple times that we are a country of diversity, so why is it that we judge people so much for their individual views?

There is no reason that the government should stop a couple from being together just because of their gender. We all have our own individual preferences. We make a commitment to the person we want to marry. It is not a commitment to the state, country, and public. If it was, I doubt anyone would want to get a divorce because instead of splitting things in two, we would have to give a little bit to everyone.

There are more pressing matters that our government should be worried about than who is lined up at the county court requesting a marriage license. We love who we love and there is nothing that can change that. I may not be gay, but I wouldn't want anyone who is to have to live a life where they can't be with the person they love. I hope our legislators and senators come to their senses and leave all of the business and political side of things in the back corner and really focus on their human values. No one's pursuit of happiness should be inhibited. Our founding leaders were able to see that. Why can't our leaders see that now?