Friday, May 15, 2015

To Vote, or not to vote, that is the question...

            Robyn Evans addresses the issue of voting, or lack there of, in Texas. I agree that many of the eligible voters in Texas choose to avoid the polls during elections. There are several explanations but the most common one that I hear is…“My vote really doesn’t matter”.
            Unfortunately, this is the view that most of the voting population has in Texas. I have been raised in a politically informed house and continue to observe political issues at the local and national level. Many people in Texas feel that their vote doesn’t matter because it is such a conservative state and no matter what, the Republican candidates seem to always win election by a large margin.
            I talk to several people about politics on a regular basis and for the most part it seems that my peers share a lot of the same beliefs as I have. I then ask them why they choose to not vote and they simply just give the excuse of “it’s a broken system”.
            Its time for us, the younger generation, to take this state by the horns. We need to all get out and vote, and drag our friends to the voting booths as well. People would be amazed by the changes that would occur in Texas if everyone that could vote would vote.

            Remember, a lot of people have sacrificed and given their lives for us to have the rights to vote. Vote. and show them that it wasn’t in vain.

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